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100% Niacinamide Powder from The Ordinary offers the most direct topical exposure of Niacinamide to target visible shine, enlarged pores and irregular skin texture. This powder format offers a DIY experience that allows one to personalize their usage based on their preference. In comparison to the Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% solution, this powder format offers the user versatility in combining the benefits of Niacinamide with the benefits of other non-conflicting technologies to address multiple skin concerns at once.


Contraindications: We do not recommend combining Niacinamide with topical Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid, Ethylated L-Ascorbic Acid and Vitamin C derivatives) in the same regimen. If Vitamin C is used as part of your skincare regimen, we advise to apply them at alternate times with this formula (ideally Vitamin C in the PM and this formula in the AM). In addition, we do not recommend dissolving Niacinamide Powder in Direct Acids.